Thursday, November 13, 2008


Though yesterday is probably the last day that I'll ever have like it. It was like time was frozen, well my world was frozen. I got to see how most people are, friends, talking, laughing, being around each other. Being..... happy. It felt good. Yesterday died and now, I'm just slipping.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Though at the moment, I am not in the mood to really post a blog, I had to work, I haven't had time to blog until now. Once I got off work, I went some places, woke up in some places, went to school. Had shit to do after that, and It's late and I have to work one job from 7-10 am at the comic store, another waiting tables from 11-4 pm then after that I go home shower, apply like 3 inches of make up, dress pretty skanky, then go to work at the club. Where I get paid to get drunk off my ass, sleep around, dance like a slut. I mean come on life doesn't get better. Also I get all the free alcohal I want, I get tips, and one week of every month I get to bartend. Just as a side note I work at the club from 9pm-6am, the only reason I get the break from 4 untill 9 is because it takes a long ass time to get home, well half an hour, then I have to shower and seriously get all the food smell off, apply the make up, AND dress like a slut, then I have a 2 hour to 2 and a half hour drive to work. So I am going to go sleep.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

6 AM

The sun hasn't arisen yet, it's raining, and I am up and off to Bend.